quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2008

[8.1][Up]Devland Premium Edition

Beta Version 0.2:

CVS Features.
Guid para xml players. (players.xml)
Sistema de Mail(Correio)
Itens que se podem escrever e ler
Total integração com protocolo o novos sistemas
Actions (quando se usa item ou tile)
SQL databases (para accounts and players)
Controle de quebra de server
Protocolo 7.8
Lista de VIPs
Suporte á Guilds
Spawns (e Respawn)
Andar automaticamente
Itens Rotatables(Rodáveis, rotativos)
Database de itens encantados
Runas com cargas
Lista de espera
Seguir e selecionar o oponente
E muito mais.


-Sitema de Premmium
-Ataque rápido
-Look especial para GM
-CorpseOwner igual ao Rl tibia
-Checar MC
-GM Invisivel
-NPC Buy Container
-Atacar runa no battle (yes/no)
-Sistema de Cama(BED)
-Sistema de Caveira(Skull)
-Sistema de Festa(Party)
-Items desaparecem na water/lava/swamp/tar
-Aprender Spells
-FastAttack e Souls configurados no vocations.xml
-Sistema de Recorde igual tibia rl
-Anti AFK
-Magias específicas para premmium.
-Rookgaard Trade-Channel
-AcceSS config

Novos comandos e actions
- ADD Teleport
- Change SeX

Devland 7.92 (Beta 0.2)

Janela para GM
Tapetes igual tibia rl
Concertado->Cap System
Concertado->Problemas no login
Adicionado outro mapa, sadsoul map.
Adicionado outro console
Adicionais para o console
Muito mais

Devland 7.92 (Beta 0.3)

Itens aumentam magia
- NPC AutoWalk (configurado no name.xml)
- NPC floorchange (configurado no name.xml)
- New lua script functions getHouseName, getHouseEntry, getHouseRent, getHouseTown, getHouseAccessList, getHouseByPlayerGUID, setHouseAccessList, getPlayerFlagValue, getItemName, stopEvent
- Concertado-> Dead Player Body. (Me)
- Concertado-> PKChannel (Me)
- Somente premium players pode abrir Priv Channel
- CapConfig FixeD
- OwnerBody no corpo configurado no config.lua (in sec, 0 = off)
- Food Effect
- Protection Level (player with under this Lv cant be attacked, and attacking. (Me)
- !buyhouse Concertado
- AutoIP
- NPC Banqueiro
- Example Better Npc
- Machete Concertada
- Pequena mudança no NPc System
- Muted system concertado
- Outros bugs arrumados.

Devland 7.92 (Beta 0.4)

- Fixed Fields SVN)
- New LearnSpell system (SVN)
- Added 2 new functions playerLearnInstantSpell(cid, name) and getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell (SVN)
- New parametr at spells.xml (needlearn), defult is 0.(SVN)
- Added example "Apocalypse" using spellscroll. (SVN)
- 2 new functions getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) and getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, index) and spellbook.lua as example. (SVN)
- Fixed Command "/b" (SVN)
- Nova "database.sql", última foi concertada (Me, SVN)
- Droploot concertado (Me)
- Easy protect System config.lua (Me)
- ExpColor in config.lua (Me)
- Possible to change spells efect (config.lua) (Me)
- Premium players have Bigger VipList (Me)
- Depot of premium player is Bigger (Me)
- New Command "/W" (Me)
- DeathWindow (Me)
- Adding Bag after dead (Me)
- Addons (Xidaozu)
- Pvp Arena (Nfries)
- Combat Zone (Nfries)
- Added Console Version (Me)
- New Actions (Kostka do gry, Piggybank, PartyHat, Fireworks, Obsidian Knife & Blessed Wooden Stake, Soft Bootsy jak w RL tibii)
- LevelDoors (Me)
- Outfit GM-a, po ustawieniu sex na 3 (Me)
- Exani tera Concertado(Me)
- Exori & Exiva Concertado (Me)
- Hangable Update (SVN)
- Soul points regen. at vocations.xml (SVN
- More SVN Updates
- Only 1 character can login per ACC
- Outros bugs arrumados

Devland 7.92 (Beta 0.6b)

- Added Aol (Me)
- Added QuestLog (Forgotten source)
- Added BlessSystem (Evolution Source)
- Added example of bless npc (Me)
- added example of addon npc (Me)
- LevelDoors 100% rl Tibia (Me)
- New Actions: doPlayerAddHealthMax, doPlayerAddManaMax. (Me)
- Added new movements: addHp, AddMana (changing max mana and hp of player) (Me)
- Fixed Deathlist on SQL
- Fixed Addons on SQL
- Fixed Premium
- SQl database example (Fixed)
- Added Remore Control
- Chests with actionid can't be moved.
- UPDATE SVN to newest
- Many other Fix and some options what i'm not remember.
- Fixed outfits (Remeber change outfits.xml for newest).
- Other Fix SQL and XML version.

Devland 8.0 - 0.7

- Update to 8.0 (Me, SVN)
- Update file Outfits.xml (Me)
- Added MayNotLogaut and MayNotMove actions (Forgotten Source)
- Added removedistance and removerunes configured at config (Me)
- GM can move item from distance (Me)
- Fixed magic_rate in config (Me)

Devland 0.8

- Fixed errors in console (Me)
- Fixed autosave (Me)
- Fixed save houses and bans (Me)
- Fixed Spells
- fixed .......
- Fixed Login System
- Login system like Tibia
- Added 8.0 monster (kokokoko + me for little fix)
- Added some 8.0 spells + Apocalypse (SVN, Duda1992, KingKomic, ~Devil-Boy~)
- Added req level for weapons (SVN,)
- Added SnowFoots action (4220niller, KingKomic, Me for little Fix)
- SVN updates...
- Sources (I forget to add them in DevLand 0.7)

Devland 0.89

- Change little Invisible System (Now Should work properly).
- Spells concertadas.
- remove distance da munição concertado
- Concertado sistema anti roubo (Agora você pode abrir os corpos mortos por montros).
- SVN Updates

Devland 0.95

Conteúdo Geral:

* ALL SVN features without flags
* Premium System
* Fast Attack
* GM LooK (Pedro B, Me) Also showing frags
* Pk-Channel (showing info about pk-ers)
* CorpseOwner like in Rl tibia(You need wait some time to open body, if you are not owner)
* Mc Check (Junkfood)
* GM Invisible (The Chaos)
* NPC Buy Container (BlackKnight)
* BattleRuneAtack(yes/no)
* Bed System (nfries88)
* Skull System (Config in lua)
* Party System (100%)
* ServerSave
* DeathList (Jido)
* FastAttack, and Souls configured at vocations.xml (Forgotten source)
* !buyhouse (Pedro B.)
* Record System, like Rl Tibia (Loosik)
* Cap Config
* Anti AFK (TibiaRules)
* Premium Spells
* Rookgaard Trade-Channel
* AcceSS config (like in Evolution)
* DeathWindow
* LV doors like Tibia
* GM Invisible
* Amulet of Loss
* QuestLog (Forgotten source)
* Bless System (Evolution Source)
* Login System like RL Tibia
* 8.0 Spells
* Break chance for distance weapon at items.xml
* Configuration lost % when die in vocations.xml
* Distance and Melee damage config in vocations.xml
* Many other features. (many other peaople)
* Many new actions, npc, nice map. (many other peaople)
* More More More... Just check it ^.-

Devland 0.96b

- Concertado BUG de quando player morre sem AOL (ME)
- /clean command, not cleaning in pz. (Xidaozu, 2% Me ^.-)
- Novos Fluid Actions (Berserk Potion, Bullseye Potion, Mastermin Potion) (Me)
- Novas Spells (adano dis, adano mel, adano mag) (Me)
- Casas somente para premiuns (Me)
- Concertado as wands para os players prometeds (Me) Thx to GM Oment for report.
- Concertado hist de distância (Me)
- Poções Concertadas. (Me)
http://www.devland.info - Devlanda



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